Women’s Oral Health

Men and women aren’t the same. Luckily, we know that as far as abilities go, women are as good, or even better, than men. But when it comes to health, even oral health, women do need to take a little extra care. What this consists of will depend on the time of life and the circumstances of each woman.
So, what should women know about oral health that men don’t? Let’s run through the impact of various health factors that are unique to women, and how they’ll affect dental care.
Menstruation Affects Your Gums
If you’re health-conscious, you’ll know that bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease. But as a woman, your gums may be more prone to bleeding owing to hormonal changes associated with menstruation. You may also be inclined to develop fever blisters.
If you find that the symptoms are always associated with the time leading up to menstruation, and that they go away soon after it begins, you don’t have gum disease. But you should be gentle when brushing your teeth.
Oral Contraceptive Use
Oral contraceptives affect the hormonal balance – and they can lead to gum inflammation too. Talk to your doctor if you experience this side-effect. A different oral contraceptive or an alternative contraceptive strategy could be all you need to end the problem.
Nothing changes your body as much as having a baby. All systems are geared at taking care of the little one, and unfortunately, mom gets a few added inconveniences to deal with. Gum infections are among these, and you may also be more prone to tooth decay.
It’s not just mom who suffers though. Gingivitis, a mild gum infection, is associated with premature birth and low birth weight. See a dentist as soon as you know you’re pregnant and be sure to tell your dentist that you’re expecting a new family member!
Once again, the body undergoes radical hormonal changes, and they influence oral health. You may have inflamed gums, you might feel burning sensations in your mouth, and your saliva production may drop.
At this time of your life, you don’t want to risk gum disease that could increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke. You also need to be particularly alert for tooth decay.
Women are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men are. That’s partly because they have a lighter frame to begin with, and partly because of the reduction in oestrogen associated with menopause and post-menopause.
Like the other bones in the body, the jaw loses density and becomes more fragile. Tooth loss may result. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, remember to include your dentist in your healthcare team.
Women are More Likely to Visit the Dentist Often
As a woman reading this article, you might be inclined to think that nature is being very unfair to you! However, there’s one thing in your favour. Women are far more likely than men to go for regular dental checks. Its not just a supposition based on our experience. Research backs this fact. So, keep it up! We’ll look forward to seeing you when it’s time for your next checkup!